Tranquility & History
Flat Rock Gully in Willoughby is home to a network of cool tranquil bush walks, some with clear views to the impressive Long Gully Bridge, high overhead with historic stone towers. The walk described below explores the ‘Wilksch Walk’, as it winds its way from the top of the gully to Flat Rock Creek and the harbour.
Flat Rock Gully Trails

The beautifully landscaped space at the the top of the gully was transformed from an old tip and soil fill area, an unlikely beginning! There are numerous native trees and plants plus a network of eerily enchanting trails that lead you down to the harbour. This is a wonderful place to experience nature, especially on a hot summer day.
***Be aware that some parts of the trails are rough with plenty of steps and tree roots to navigate. You will need sturdy shoes, good mobility and reasonable fitness.
Wilksch Walk – Flat Rock Gully

Wilkschs Walk described here starts at the end of Small Street in Willoughby, adjacent to the Willoughby Leisure Centre. Alternatively it can be accessed from the western end of Tunks Park.
At the end of Small St, follow the paved road past the roundabout and the large Flat Rock Gully sign. Take any of the paths to the left, they all seem to lead to the start of Wilksch Walk. The track is marked with an arrow, stepping stones and a fern as seen in pic above (left).

After following the track for a short distance along the upper north side of the gully you descend to Flat Rock Creek. It is hard to believe you’re still in the city, surrounded by tall trees, ferns, moss covered rocks and the sounds of the bush, birds and water. After heavy rain, don’t be surprised if you see some ‘unusual’ tree decorations along the creek!
When the track meets the creek, cross over and go left toward Tunks Park and the harbour. Alternatively, turn right after crossing the creek and follow the trail up the southern side of the gully, circling back to your starting point.
At the creek crossing you will see the remains of an historic stone wall which was constructed during the depressions of the 1890’s and 1930’s.

Where: Willoughby –7km Nth of CBD
Allow: 1.5 hours
Visit: Explore Lower North Shore | Historic Incinerator